If you follow the latest beauty trends, chances are you have heard of collagen supplements. But what actually is collagen and is it worth the investment?
Collagen has become one of the latest buzzwords in the beauty world, with promises of fresh, plump, and glowing skin following suit. While it’s all too simple to buy into the latest beauty craze – especially when it’s backed by Jennifer Aniston – we took a look at collagen supplements, powders, and drinks, to determine their skin benefits.
What is collagen?
Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in our bodies, and it forms the connective tissues of our skin, bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It is also responsible for the elasticity of our skin.
However, our bodies’ natural ability to produce collagen starts to slow in our mid-twenties when we begin losing around one percent of collagen each year, according to a study carried out by dermatologists in the US. As such, this may lead to signs of skin ageing such as wrinkles and dry or dull skin.
While there are plenty of collagen-rich foods such as fish, chicken, eggs, citrus fruits, and leafy greens, many people opt for ingestible forms to supplement their collagen intake if they struggle to attain it from their diet. It’s important to note, however, that most collagen supplements are derived from animal tissues (such as marine life and cows), so they are not not vegan-friendly.
What are the benefits?
A 2019 literature review in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology found that consuming collagen could increase skin elasticity, density, and hydration, alongside slowing signs of ageing.
Other studies have indicated that it can increase bone strength that has weakened with age, while improving joint, back, and knee pain. For this reason, it has been attracting the attention of more and more dermatologists.
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What is the best way to take collagen?
Collagen peptides – also known as hydrolised collagen – is found in most ingestible forms of the protein; they are made of the same amino acids as natural collagen but are more easily absorbed by our bodies.
As such, if you thinking about trying collagen, you might consider looking out for its peptides counterparts, which are generally indicated on the product’s label. As for the form the collagen takes, it’s down to personal preference.
- Powders have become popular on the market for their convenience. You can add it to your coffee, tea, smoothie, or even water. It’s virtually tasteless and dissolves into your liquids, and you can bake with the powder too or add it to your morning breakfast.

- Collagen tablets are just capsules filled with hydrolised collagen power, so if you are someone who is accustomed to taking daily vitamins, this might be a good option.

- Collagen drink supplements can be added to water once a day for an easy and quick collagen boost; if you are a Berocca Boost or Revive Active enthusiast, this might work best for you.

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