Foreign holidays may be off the cards so now is the time to embrace armchair travel with books that will transport you

It may seem counter-intuitive, to read about travel while we are all grounded for who knows how long. But the immersive writing, enthralling encounters and sense of awe of these books could be the remedy for itchy feet and the heartache of cancelled plans. When it’s difficult to connect with and focus on anything right now, the allure of adventure endures.

Rosita Boland
Journalist Rosita Boland has spent 30 years travelling to the most remote parts of the globe with little more than a backpack and a diary. In this book she documents nine different journeys during nine different stages of her life. From Pakistan to Antartica, she recalls her experiences and how they shaped her, and how the university of life prepared her for her career in journalism, Publisher: Doubleday Ireland (2019)

Hitching for Hope: A Journey Into The Heart and Soul of Ireland
Ruarí McKiernan
After the collapse of the Celtic Tiger, social activist Ruarí decided to hitch across Ireland to find stories of hope and to connect with what Irish people were truly feeling. At a time when emigration and unemployment was rife, you would expect him to encounter negativity, or that strangers willing to pick up a man thumbing for a lift in contemporary Ireland few and far between. But despite not knowing where he will sleep each night nor how he will get there, Ruairí makes his journey and recalls the stories of resilience shared with him along the way. This is a timely read with a comforting premise. Publisher: Chelsea Green (2020)

Departures: A Guide To Letting Go, One Adventure at a Time
Anna Hart
Live vicariously through the adventures of travel journalist Anna Hart in this fun and emotional memoir. A call to action for women everywhere to relish the thrill of travel, the highs and lows that come with it, and the benefits that last beyond your arrival home. Part-memoir, part-how-to guide on finding that sense of adventure even at home, this is both aspirational and relatable. Publisher: Sphere (2018)

Full Tilt: Ireland to India With a Bicycle
Dervla Murphy
A celebrated travel writer of dozens of books over the course of 50 years, Dervla Murphy is now 88-years-old. But her debut book is perhaps the most well-known. Full Tilt documents the remarkable journey she embarked upon to cycle through Europe, through Iran and Afghanistan, over the Himalayas to Pakistan and India. Based on her daily diary, and originally published in 1965, the book was republished in 2010. This story of grit and determination sees her tackle rigorous physical challenges and embrace the hospitality of remote communities, with just her bicycle and revolver for company. Publisher: Eland Publishing (2010)
The May | June issue of Irish Country Magazine is in shops and avilable for digital download now. Download it here.
Main image by Emanuela Picone on Unsplash