This International Women’s Day, the focus is on equity rather than equality. But what’s the difference between the two words?
Every year on International Women’s Day, on March 8, we hear a lot of words and phrases like diversity, inclusivity, gender equality and female empowerment. And while there have been large strides made in making the world and the workplace a more equal place for people of every gender, it’s important to remember that not every person is in the same starting position as everyone else.
This is where equity comes in. Equity does not mean giving every person the exact same thing, it means giving them what they need to succeed. That’s why the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day is #EmbraceEquity rather than just embracing and seeking equality.
Here’s a short video on the topic to explain further:
At it’s most basic concept, equity is about fairness and making sure everyone starts on a level playing field in order to showcase their abilities and have an equal shot at the job, the promotion, the gold medal or whatever it is they are striving for.
This graphic shared on the official International Women’s Day website is also an excellent representation of the difference between the two words and why we should #EmbraceEquity.

So, while you’re celebrating the wonderful achievements of women around the world, think about what they had to overcome to reach those glass ceilings and break through them.
Think about the struggle they must have endured to achieve equality, often facing unfair bias, extreme opposition and discrimination in their fight to succeed.
Those women have blazed a trail for future generations to demand equity as they continue to bring about the change necessary to make our world a safer and fairer place to live.