Artists and creatives of all disciplines have submitted posters to the #CreativesAgainstCovid19 initiative, which will be sold online with all proceeds donated to ISPCC Childline and Women’s Aid.
A brilliant initiative is calling on artists, graphic designers and creatives, to submit a poster of their unique design which will be sold in aid of charity. Creatives Against Covid-19 has received over 600 submissions to date, with the deadline for entries Thursday 16 April at 6pm. Once they have been processed, posters will be made available to purchase online, with all proceeds equally donated to ISPCC Childline and Women’s Aid.
“Social isolation during the coronavirus pandemic is more dangerous for women and children living in the reality of abusive relationships. Trapped inside without the sanctuary of work or school, these people need our help now. ISPCC Childline are already reporting a 30% increase in vulnerable children seeking help and advice on online. Equally, Women’s Aid are deeply concerned about the safety of women and children affected by domestic abuse during this pandemic.” – Creatives Against Covid-19.

The theme of the project is Soon – intended to spread hope and optimism. “Think about how your poster will spread a message of hope for now and the future. Think about how your poster will make someone smile.”
We are loving all of the entries we have seen so far, check out the Instagram page to see more. All posters will be available to buy online from next week, so if you are interested in getting one – perhaps as a unique piece of art from this unprecedented time in our history, or as a hopeful reminder that soon we will be reunited with the things we love – then stay tuned to the website