The annual event is celebrated around the globe on the 8th of March

What is International Women’s Day?
International Women’s Day started off in the 1900’s when women had little rights, witnessed inequality and oppression. The first gathering was recorded in New York in 1908 when 15,000 women marched through the streets of the city demanding shorter working hours and better pay. From that time on, the advocacy for women’s rights sparked. Since then, every year the day is marked with an aim to make a greater difference for women’s rights, equality, education and pay. From culture to politics, people globally reflect on the great achievements of women throughout time alongside the powerful meaning of femininity.
As much as we love shouting out the amazing women in our lives on this day (and every day, to be honest), the day is about much more than celebration – it’s about drawing our attention to the issues that are affecting women and girls all over the world, the inequalities and injustices that still exist, and focusing on how we can improve them together. This year’s theme is #EachforEqual.
According to Womens Aid, “International Women’s Day 2020 is a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities”.
There are lots of events marking the day throughout Ireland, so if you want to get involved, here are some of the events taking place:
International Women’s Day at Sonarite
Get your family together this upcoming March 8 and visit Sonarite, Co Meath. The free event takes place in the rural eco-centre from 11-3pm. From empowering stories, nature walks to fine arts and crafts, there will be something for everyone’s taste, even the kids.

The Mustard Seed Annual Dinner
The Victorian hotel is located in the countryside of Co Limerick. Every year, an annual International Women’s Day dinner is held. The dinner celebrates the economic, social, political and cultural achievements of women by gathering women together for a day of fine dining in the luxurious location. On the day, guests will be gifted with a complimentary literary work to take home and they will also receive a pass to Dublin-born, Hollywood actress, Maureen O’Hara’s exhibition.
To register for the annual dinner, click here.

Launch of SIPTU’s Women’s Workers Manifesto
What better way to celebrate than with hundreds of other extraordinary Irish women? The event starting from 2-7pm will provide various mini events throughout the day at Liberty Hall, Dublin. From inspirational speakers of the organisation, an exhibition of 20 powerful images from 2020, finishing off with a film based on the remarkable journey of Naila Ayesh and her fierce community of women at the front lines in Palestine.
Women’s Wellness Afternoon Tea
Based in Co Cork, this event would make a perfect day out for you and your female friends. The ‘for women, by women‘ non-profit event is in aid of Pieta House and all funds go towards the charity. Life coach, Fiona Walsh will be joined by guest speakers Louise George and Martina Barrett. Talks on wellness and scrumptious afternoon tea will be followed by delightful music conducted by member of the Cork orchestra, Aoife O’Donovan will take place on the day.