As the weather turns colder, our hair can start to suffer. Nourkin® will help to restore health and shine
The summer is definitely over, and for many of us that has meant getting back to work and school. While the return to the familiar routines is probably quite welcome, there are some things that are less welcome about the headlong rush into autumn… and we’re not just talking about the impending darker nights! We’re all pretty well-versed in the need for a richer skincare routine as the weather starts to turn colder, but have you also noticed that your hair is starting to shed a little more than normal?
If so, don’t be too alarmed. While it’s perfectly normal to lose some hair each day, the levels do tend to increase at this time of year. Just like our bodies, our hair has a cycle of its own, and familiarising yourself with it can help you to understand what’s going on, and how you can support this cycle naturally.
The Hair Growth Cycle
For those who do not know the cause, seasonal hair loss may cause unwanted worry and stress however, research into the seasonal changes in human hair growth has found that hair loss increases in August and September. This is due to hair follicles reaching an Anagen (growth) peak in March and then steadily decreasing throughout September. When more hairs are entering the Telogen phase, also known as the resting phase, the results can be seen as an increase in hair shedding.
Even though you might experience more hair loss during autumn, remember that hair loss will occur all year around. It is perfectly normal to lose around 100-150 hairs a day, these will shed while sleeping, washing our hair, brushing our hair or simply walking down the street. The shed hairs then start to grow back again from the same hair follicle and starts a new cycle of growth — the Hair Growth Cycle.
When this number increases, when the hairbrush requires constant clearing of hair, or the plug hole is clogging with hairs more frequently, or we are removing hairs from our clothes more often, then the likelihood is that the Hair Growth Cycle has become disrupted, resulting in increased shedding and a thinning of the hair.
There are many factors which can negatively impact the health of the Hair Growth Cycle – some of which are more under our control than others. While there is little we can do about our genetics, hormones and illness, factors such as stress, diet, general health and the way we treat our hair are more within our control.
Restore hair health:
- Acute and chronic stress put the body under pressure and, as a result, hair loss can increase beyond normal levels. If you’re feeling the effects of a stressful day, try to take a little time just for yourself, even if only for a few minutes. A walk outdoors, a trip to the gym, blasting out your favourite songs and dancing around your living room, or even just picking up your favourite crafty project – it doesn’t have to be something complicated, just something that grounds you and helps to melt that stress away.
- A healthy diet rich in vitamins and proteins is essential for healthy hair and it’s always best to get proper nutrition through a balanced diet. Healthy hair requires a regular supply of protein, glucose, vitamins and minerals for optimal health and growth. Every season brings delicious and healthy seasonal fruits and vegetables, many of which can help support healthier hair. For example, a simple cucumber has a lot of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, while berries are loaded with beneficial compounds and vitamins that help promote hair growth. Additionally, foods which are available year-round such as eggs and lentils are great sources of protein, iron and zinc, all of which are beneficial for our locks.
- Daily styling and the way that we generally treat the hair can, of course, have an impact on the health of the hair. The most common type of hair loss caused by daily styling is Traction Alopecia, which is hair loss through breakage. The best way to counteract this type of hair loss is limiting heat styling, tight hairstyles, vigorous brushing and general over-processing of the hair. Instead of opting for the hairdryer and straighteners every time you wash, why not allow your hair to air dry occasionally. Or to avoid over-washing, try wearing your hair in a stylish updo such as plaits or a bun – these styles also often work better with hair that isn’t freshly washed as they’ll hold better and have better staying power.
- The addition of a good daily supplement can help to maintain the health of the hair, rather than trying to repair the hair after the damage has occurred.
Try Nourkrin ®
Nourkrin® is the original hair growth supplement, and with over 30 years of research and development, is a natural, safe and drug-free way to normalise the Hair Growth Cycle, promote hair growth and reduce hair shedding. Nourkrin® is the only hair growth product to contain the unique ingredient Marilex®, which contains high levels of specific proteoglycans and in the precise ratios that regulate hair follicle functioning. Nourkrin® has been shown in clinical studies to normalise and restore the Hair Growth Cycle by prolonging the growth (Anagen) phase, by encouraging dormant hair follicles to re-enter the growth phase, regardless of the initial disruption and hair loss condition, and to help promote healthy hair growth.