Wearing a face mask may not feel like a style statement, but Irish creatives are thinking outside the box

Montgomery Millinery
Derek at Montgomery Millinery led the charge when it came to making face masks, and even shared a DIY video too. His face coverings are now set to be sold in pharmacies around Ireland. He has recently added coordinated headbands to his range, so you can cover your roots and bad hair days with a fun print. A matching set costs €18, or €10 each for a hair mask or hairband.
Iseult Law
Irish designer Iseult Law uses Indigo denim to make clothing and now face masks. It is naturally anti-bacterial, and in fact Samurai would wear indigo-dyed garments underneath their armour to protect wounds from infection.
If you’re worried about buying something you hopefully won’t have to use forever, Iseult’s face masks can be worn as headbands, meaning they will have a purpose even when face coverings are no longer necessary.
Taryn de Vere
Rogue Collective contributor Taryn de Vere created a simple guide to making a face mask and matching flower crown. You don’t need to know how to sew, it’s washable, and you can completely make it your own. Follow Rogue Collective @roguecollectiv.